About Us
We are a family support agency that works with various organizations to provide services and resources to educate our community. We have extensive experience working with: 1. DCFS 2. Family Law 3. Domestic Violence 4. Restraining Orders 5. Private Attorneys 6. Anger Management Standard of Practice 5.20.U.S.P.P.S.V Uniform Standards of practice for providers of supervised visitation.
Safety Alliance Group is a family support and educational services agency. We offer counseling, parenting classes, and anger management to people in need. It is directed by a personal certificate, with an extensive work experience in the field of justice. We maintain the highest standards of integrity in all of our actions.
Our teamOur staff is trained and certified to work with the Department of Children and Family Services, family courts, probation department, parolees, and the criminal court system.
Our staff is dedicated to helping each of our clients every step of the way to self-improvement.
Our therapists and facilitators are fully bilingual in Spanish and English.
Make a change
Safety Alliance Group (SAG) is a community-based organization dedicated to reducing violence and fostering personal growth within high-risk families. We are committed to leadership and justice, helping individuals navigate the complex challenges associated with the legal system. SAG understands the difficulties families facing due to family separation, the trauma of the process, and the anxiety children experience. Our mission is to help children feel safe and rebuild their broken relationships with their parents. Through strategic partnerships and supportive services, SAG empowers underserved communities by providing education and resources designed to improve the quality of life and well-being for our families. Our vision is to build a bridge of trust between our clients and the legal system, enabling successful, positive transitions for children and ensuring both parents complying with court orders. We assist parents in creating a healthy, safe, and loving family environment, free from violence. Every case is handled with honor and respect at SAG. We offer everyone the opportunity to make personal changes and learn new family approaches, helping them adjust to new cultural expectations and family values. Moreover, SAG recognizes that offenders, ex-felons, parolees, and probationers deserve opportunities for change and reintegration into society. Understanding that domestic violence is a learned behavior, we provide new tools to break the cycle. SAG helps offenders build a supportive, violence-free environment for their families. SAG is a structured program led by certificated staff with an extensive history of working with the justice system. Our staff members specialize in various areas such as domestic violence, anger-management, parenting education, sexual abuse, divorce and separations. We work in collaboration with DCFS, family court, probation, parolees, and the Criminal court System, our qualify staff have the cultural sensitivity to understand our clients’ and guide them to achieve their goals on understanding their situation with the legal system. All of our services are on English and Spanish.
Sandra:- I’m a Latina Spanish seeking only, I Have asked my nice to help me write this statement. I called SAG in a weekend, I was not even aware it was Sunday, I was devastated because my 3 children were taken away Saturday late at night. The S.W give me about 100 pages of agencies to call. The SW just told me call and ask for help, I didn’t know what to ask and what to say, who to call: I was terrifying to say the wrong thing and get my children more in ruble. I called several agencies from the list and most of the agencies were closed, and no one answered me call. When I called SAG I left a voice message and all I said was “Please call me back I need help” few minutes later Maria Leyva called me and she told me how can I help you Sandra. My heart stops, her voice made me feel comfortable she speaks my language and she listen to my situation. She guided me of what to do and she told me to stay focused and follow my case plan, she said your children will be okay if you are okay. It took me a while to understand that. I registered for parenting classes and DV Support group and keep good communication with my S.W. I stopped been defensive and I learned self-advocacy and prepared for family reunification. I learned on my parenting classes that I need it to unlearn a lot of the things I was doing wrong, and I learn to adjust to new culture and legal expectations. Thank you, Safety Alliance Group, for help me to become not only a better parent but I learned to love myself.
Alberto:- I’m Hispanic 55yrs old. I had a domestic violence charge on 2019, I was under the impression that the courts wore not working during the pandemic and I choose to ignore my case. On 2022 I was pull over and was arrested for 90 days. At coming out of jail I was ordered to take DV classes for 52 week and I was given a restring order. I was asked to leave my house; my wife went to court and told the Judge that she was fine in me going back home and she wanted to change to restringing order. The Judge took it as if I was threatening my wife and add 2 yrs. more to the court order. I was confused, scared, mead, powerless, a mix of emotions was taken control of me. I was meat at myself and the world, plus I learned that I need it to pay a lot of money in court fees, the classes, a second rent, food transportation, etc.. I have lost my job due to this case and now I was unemployed. My life was upside down. When I called SAG I was crying. The lady on the phone asks me if I was okay, I said No” she told me to have fate and to start working on me to reconstruct everything and make it better this time. She said things happened for a reason, I was mead and unable to understand what she was saying. I registered to the 52 weeks program and began attending virtually. As I was adjusting to technology and adjust to be alone. As I was attending the classes I learned about cultural beliefs and customs, I learned I was alcoholic and an abuser. I learned to understand the severity of the trauma on others. And I know how my behavior affected others’ lives.
Classes are held in quiet and comfortable settings. Our facilitators are trained and authorized.

Artistic expression
Classes are taught using practical methods, including artistic expression.